But the Thinkers are unusually persuasive, and they're set on convincing Vi to become one of them...starting by brainwashing Zenn. Vi can't leave Zenn in the Thinkers' hands, but she's wary of joining the rebellion, especially since that means teaming up with Jag. Jag is egotistical, charismatic, and dangerous--everything Zenn's not. Vi can't quite trust Jag and can't quite resist him, but she also can't give up on Zenn.
This is a game of control or be controlled. And Vi has no choice but to play.
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
Title: Possession
Author: Elana Johnson
Genre: Young Adult, Dystopian
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: June 7, 2011
Format: E-galley
Source: Received from Galley Grab as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour. Many thanks goes to the Simon & Schuster team behind Galley Grab and Teen Book Scene for sending me a copy of this book for review. I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review.
Tour: Teen Book Scene. You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner located below the review.
Look for it: Amazon, Book Depository
My rating: 4.5/5
Vi has always balked against the rules. She's been caught on many occasions as having broken them. What is the harm in walking with someone from the opposite sex, and do they really need to wear a hat? Vi doesn't understand why the rules are so restrictive, and certainly her not conforming to them isn't a bad thing, is it? When she meets Jag, she realizes there is a whole different world out there, one that is not repressed by controlling rules. There are some things worth fighting for, and she'll die for the chance to live life the way she wants to, and not how the Thinkers and society dictates.
Vi is an unusually strong character. She flat out refuses to conform to the rigid system set in place to protect those in the Goodlands. Whether or not the rules actually protect people or hinder them is another matter altogether. Having lived the last few years without her father and her sister due to circumstances outside of her control, she is left with just her mother, and an overwhelming sense of being alone. She has Zenn, and has been matched with him, but wants to explore more of the world.
The world building is also very intriguing as there is this whole structure to the civilization that is set in place. When people try to disrupt the system, or try to live how they want to live, they are instantly put under surveillance or put on trial. If they are chronic offenders they are then sentences to life in the Badlands. With any strict regime there is a resistance group bent on overthrowing the Thinkers and it was interesting to see how Vi interacted with said group when she learned about them.
I have to say I kind of loved this book. It immediately hooked me, and I loved how the information was doled out when needed and not all at once. I know some may not enjoy that aspect, but I really liked it. I loved seeing the interaction between Vi and Jag, as well as Zenn, and seeing how everything came together for them during the read. The one thing I didn't like about the book was the ending, but that's personal preference. I really hope that there is a sequel because I believe there should be one, and there is cause for one. I don't think Vi's story is done yet and I'm looking forward to reading more about her, and her world.
All in all, a fantastic dystopian read where the Thinkers rule, and if anyone breaks the rules they are punished severely. The Resistance also adds a dose of flavour to the read as we see Vi interact with them, and come to realizations about those around her as her perceptions change over the course of the story. I'll definitely be looking to read more from Johnson, as she completely enthralled me with Possession.
The world building is also very intriguing as there is this whole structure to the civilization that is set in place. When people try to disrupt the system, or try to live how they want to live, they are instantly put under surveillance or put on trial. If they are chronic offenders they are then sentences to life in the Badlands. With any strict regime there is a resistance group bent on overthrowing the Thinkers and it was interesting to see how Vi interacted with said group when she learned about them.
I have to say I kind of loved this book. It immediately hooked me, and I loved how the information was doled out when needed and not all at once. I know some may not enjoy that aspect, but I really liked it. I loved seeing the interaction between Vi and Jag, as well as Zenn, and seeing how everything came together for them during the read. The one thing I didn't like about the book was the ending, but that's personal preference. I really hope that there is a sequel because I believe there should be one, and there is cause for one. I don't think Vi's story is done yet and I'm looking forward to reading more about her, and her world.
All in all, a fantastic dystopian read where the Thinkers rule, and if anyone breaks the rules they are punished severely. The Resistance also adds a dose of flavour to the read as we see Vi interact with them, and come to realizations about those around her as her perceptions change over the course of the story. I'll definitely be looking to read more from Johnson, as she completely enthralled me with Possession.

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