Today, Jane George is here with a teenage garage sale post as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for her book, The Mumbo Jumbo Circus. Thank you for being here, Jane! You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

A garage sale from my teenage years? Ruh-roh, as Scooby-Doo would say.
In this box over here: an extensive collection of Breyer model horses, many with broken legs and chipped ears. All of them have names. Would you like to hear them? There’s only fifty or so.
Eek! Is that my best friend’s Tiger Beat with the Bay City Rollers pin-up? Dig those tartan crop pants. My friend, totally bonkers for them, kept trying to get me to say which Roller I thought was the cutest. She even tried the, “If they were the last four guys on earth…” approach. I remained mute.
My vinyl albums. Sniff. These should never be in the garage sale, but alas, I let go of all my Damned singles, PiL metal box, IN the metal box, along with such gems as The Merton Parkas.
Oh hells no, those are NOT my leg warmers. Uh-uh, I’m denying it.
That IS my radio-controlled R2-D2, and my Obi Wan Kenobi action figure. Once a geek, always a geek. I wrote letters in Lord of the Rings elvish runes too. Oh yes.
Who wants those old manky track cleats? Pew. Throw them out.
Where did that Cat Stevens poster come from? Seriously here, that’s embarassing. *unrolls poster* Wait a minute, he was kinda cute. And I love the soundtrack to Harold & Maude…
What the heck IS this thing? A hand-held waffle iron? Oh, it’s a hair crimper. Too bad back then I cut my hair all off and dyed it purple.
Toilet paper left over from a midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Still useful.
A cigar box filled with band buttons. There’s Johnny Rotten, Elvis Costello & Siouxie Sioux. Hold on, I don’t think I want to sell that. If I ever have grandkids, this box is for them.
Awesome list, Jane! Love those band buttons!
Jane is graciously providing Lost For Words with a copy of The Mumbo Jumbo Circus for giveaway.
Thanks, Jane!
Giveaway is US only.
Giveaway will end June 23, 2011.
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