Today, Matt Blackstone is here with a Teenage Garage Sale post courtesy of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for his upcoming release, A Scary Scene in A Scary Movie. Thank you for being here, Matt! You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

$10 Tuxedo. I’d like to say that I bought one because of how frequently I was asked to esquire ladies to local dances. I can’t say that.
$8.50 Graphing Calculator. Not sure how to work the math buttons, but I know how to play Tetris.
$5.75 Saved by the Bell DVD. “I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it. I just . . . can’t.”
$5 Purple Easton Baseball Bat: My mom still refers to it as “the magic bat” because my baseball team miraculously hit balls out of the infield when using it. The nickname is rather mean when you really think about it.
$3.50 Blue Tuxedo Vest: I rocked it in style, though it wasn’t remotely close to being in style.
$2 Yellow visor. Seems liked a good idea at the time.
$1 Speedo. Yup, I was on the swim team for a year. I came last in every race. Even with the Speedo.
$.95 V8 Splash: This was the drink of choice in the Blackstone house. Sounds gross. And, wouldn’t you know, it tastes gross too.
$.50 Mariah Carey CD: Music Box. I liked the song Hero but hid the CD in my sock drawer so none of my friends would see it. There’s a hero . . . if you look inside your sock drawer . . . you don’t to be afraid . . .
$0 Hemp necklace. Take it. I’m ashamed.
Nice group of items at your garage sale, Matt! Thank you for being here!
There is also an ongoing giveaway for 10 copies of his book now through July 31st. You can find that giveaway located here.
Rene, an obsessive-compulsive fourteen year old, smells his hands and wears a Batman cape when he’s nervous. If he picks up a face-down coin, moves a muscle when the time adds up to thirteen (7:42 is bad luck because 7 + 4 + 2 = 13), or washes his body parts in the wrong order, Rene or someone close to him will break a bone, contract a deadly virus, and/or die a slow and painful death like someone in a scary scene in scary movie. Rene’s new and only friend tutors him in the art of playing it cool, but that’s not as easy as Gio makes it sound.
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
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