Today, Karyn Henley is here with an Into the Past post courtesy of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for her recent release, Breath of Angel. Thank you for being here, Karyn! You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

When I was five, I loved fairy tales. So I’m sure I would have recommended Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, and Peter Pan. I also loved Rudyard Kipling’s Just So stories. I adored a book of poetry by Margaret Wise Brown, Nibble Nibble. My favorite poems were “The Fish With the Deep Sea Smile” and “The Sad Sliced Onion.” Other favorites: The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf, Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina, and Make Way for Ducklings and Blueberries for Sal by Robert McCloskey. All these books gave me a love for lyrical, picturesque language and a sense of delight in the realm of story.
By age eleven, I had been through all the Nancy Drew books, which gave me a love of mystery and suspense, which I try to incorporate into my fantasy writing. What would I recommend at age eleven? The Prydain Chronicles by Lloyd Alexander, A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, The Hobbit by J.R.R.Tolkein, and Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton.
At age sixteen, I would have been reading A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin and The Good Earth by Pearl Buck. But I was also very much interested in language and was studying French in school. My father gave me a nonfiction book called Eternal France, which I devoured. And I found a book called The Mother Tongue on my parents’ book shelf and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Around twenty? The Chosen by Chaim Potok, Rebecca by Daphne duMaurier, Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, ‘Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, and his trilogy Out of the Lonely Planet, Perelandra, and That Hideous Strength.
I consider all these books to be classics. At least they are classics to me. I place them in age categories here, but they really transcend categories. I still read and enjoy them. As the saying wistfully says, “So many books, so little time.” I expect that the day I die, a book will lie beside my bed with a bookmark showing where I stopped reading.
Thank you for this awesome book list! I'm with you there on Nancy Drew! Thank you so much for being here today, Karyn!
The stranger’s cloak had fallen back, and with it, a long, white, blood-stained wing.
When Melaia, a young priestess, witnesses the gruesome murder of a stranger in the temple courtyard, age-old legends recited in song suddenly come to life. She discovers wings on the stranger, and the murderer takes the shape of both a hawk and a man.
Angels. Shape-shifters. Myths and stories—until now.
Melaia finds herself in the middle of a blood feud between two immortal brothers who destroyed the stairway to heaven, stranding angels in the earthly realm. When the feud turns violent and Melaia becomes a target, she finds refuge with a band of angels attempting to restore the stairway. But the restoration is impossible without the repayment of an ancient debt—the “breath of angel, blood of man,” a payment that involves Melaia’s heart, soul, and destiny.
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
Karyn Henley and her publicist are graciously providing Lost For Words with a bookmark for giveaway.
Thank you, Karyn!
Giveaway is open to US only.
Giveaway will end June 30, 2011.
Please fill out this FORM to enter. Comments, while appreciated, will not be counted as entries.
Thank you! =)
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