Lisa Desrochers is here today with one of her characters, Luc, from Personal Demons, and Original Sin. He's here answering a few questions as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for Lisa's soon to be released Original Sin. You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

Hi Luc! Thanks for being here today!
What was your first impression of Frannie when you first met/saw her?
She seemed confident. It kind of made me hope she was the one I was looking for because the confident ones are a little more of a challenge. I like the sense of accomplishment when I break their confidence and make them beg. So fun.
Did you think anything was out of the ordinary when you were first sent to "tag" Frannie? Why no one else sent to find her could find her but you?
Honestly, the assignment was a little different in that I’m usually not responsible for the actual tag, but I like a change of pace occasionally. As far as why I was able to find her, I’m not really privy to how a Celestial Shield works, but Gabe says, on a rare occasion, a demon can see past it. He thinks there’s some kind of connection between me and Frannie. I’ll need to explore that…connections…with Frannie.
You have to make a couple of big decisions that are "out of character" for you. Would you have done anything differently, given the choice?
I was given the choice. No.
Do you think you'll be able to win Frannie's parents over?
Not likely.
Knowing your love of languages and reading, what current title would be on your nightstand, and what language would it be in?
Having been Dante’s muse, I reread his original works in Italian frequently. But, by “current title” I’m assuming you mean contemporary authors, and there are none on my nightstand. Instead, I’m going to pretend you asked what the title currently on my nightstand is, and the answer to that is Tolstoy’s War and Peace. I always read the author’s original work in their native language, so that would be in Russian.
What would your ideal date with Frannie be?
My answer to that has changed from what it would have been earlier. I can’t say in public what my initial answer would have been. Now, some of our best dates have been hanging out at my apartment—sans angels—building playlists for Lisa to make into books, or going for drives in Frannie’s vintage Mustang with the top down. Frannie likes it when we curl up on my bed and I read to her in Italian or French. Honestly, anywhere we can be alone is my ideal date.
Now that you are facing a new reality, is there anything that you would like to do that you couldn't before?
In truth, I could pretty much do whatever I wanted before. But, yes, there is one thing I couldn’t do that I want to do now. Again, I can’t say what it is in public, but it would have tagged Frannie for Hell and it involves her, me, and a lack of angelic or parental supervision.
Thank you again for answering some of my questions, Luc! Thank you Lisa, for being here today as well!
Lisa Desrochers has graciously provided Lost For Words with a signed galley of Original Sin for giveaway.
Thank you, Lisa!
Giveaway is open to US/Canada only.
Giveaway will end on June 14, 2011.
Please fill out this FORM to enter. Comments, while appreciated, will not be counted as entries.
Thank you!!
Great interview and commentary from Luc! :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
He's such a jerk! I love it~
Thank you so much for the giveaway.
I love reading character interviews! Thank you for the giveaway!
I loved the character interview! Thank you so much for this great giveaway!
Love this! I shows how Luc is sweet but a bit arrogant.
Has the winner been posted?
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Hi friend, Groundbreaking, i was assert cheersmeant for blogging an exceedinglyprime quality post, basically might help others in numerous options
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