- grab your current read
- flip to a random page
- select two teaser sentences from somewhere on that page
- try not to include spoilers!
- please let us know the author and book so we can add them to our TBR pile!
"The am
bulance came to a stop, and the EMT woman opened the rear doors. Jack was rolled out of the ambulance, wheeled through the automatic doors of the emergency room." pg. 32

I'm not that far into the book, but it doesn't bode well for the protagonist if he's already headed for the hospital, eh? :)
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What is your Tuesday teaser?
Don't forget to enter my 100 follower contest. Thank you guys for following, and listening to what I have to say! I appreciate it!
What is your Tuesday teaser?
Straight to the hospital! Wow, it could be an action packed read. I once read a book that had the main character going to the hospital in the first page. It was crazy.
Check out my teaser at Find the Time to Read
(Find the Time to Read)
Pretty exciting, though you wonder how beat up the hero will be by the end.
Doesn't sound like the best situation - but it IS suspenseful. Great teaser!
If you'd like, you can check out mine here.
Looks like a good book. Nice teaser. Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.
That is such an intense teaser! I love it! :)
Fab teaser!
Here's mine
Sounds very action packed! I look forward to reading your review :)
Woohoo I definitely have to read this one. Just finished The Last Snow by same author. Fantastic thriller!! It's my TT today. Have a good week and happy reading. My teaser is here
Great teaser! I wonder how many times he'll end up in hospital by the end of the book LOL
My teaser is here:
Some suspenseful reading you have going on. Enjoy your book. Here'smine.
@Jess - I think it's going to be! :)
@Alice - I think he may be quite beat up by the end, eh? :)
@celi.a - That it does! Hopefully things get better for him though. lol
@Alayne - So far it is great, definitely one to recommend. :)
@Melissa - Yes it is, I love it! :)
@Angel - Thanks! :)
@Trillian - Thanks! :)
@Serpentine Librarian - Thank you, so far it is. :)
@Kaye - Awesome! I have Last Snow up next, loved your teaser from it though!
@Sarah - Hopefully not too many, but who knows, eh? lol
@Lori - That it is, but so far it's a great read. Thanks! :)
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