Sunday, March 14, 2010

In My Mailbox -12-

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren every Sunday. In My Mailbox is a weekly meme that lets everyone see what books you have received or bought that week.

For Review

1. Undead Much? - Stacey Jay. I received this through the Borrow My ARC Tour hosted by Katrina over at Bloody Bad.
Borrow My ARC Tour


1. Before I Fall - Lauren Oliver

I didn't go too crazy this week (for once) so I am really happy about that, though I was looking at a lot of books that are out now. I'm trying to restrain myself somewhat, it isn't working well yet... (this week is just the exception).

If you don't already know... I'm throwing a 100 Follower Contest to thank you all for being such loyal and awesome followers. I've got 3 books up for grabs, with 3 winners. Feel free to enter, you can enter here.

That's all for this week, what did you receive in your mailbox?


Windowpane Memoirs said...

Enjour your books. Happy Reading!


Raíla said...

Before I Fall! *happy dancing* Love it! Can't wait for my copy to arrive! Enjoy!

Bookalicious Ramblings said...

I got Before I Fall too, yay! Happy reading! :)

Tasha said...

Hope you enjoy them!

Amber Skye said...

I really want to read Before I Fall! Hope you enjoy your books :)

Christina T said...

I can't wait to read Before I Fall. I hope you enjoy both of your books.

Here is what's in my mailbox.

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Great books!! Before I Fall is excellent! Have a great week!

Dazzling Mage said...

Heard a lot of great things about Before I Fall.

Happy reading!

Stephanie said...

Everyone is raving about Before I Fall. I hope you love it too!!

Sarah said...

I really want to read both of these! I hope you enjoy them :o)

Corrine said...

@Windowpane Memoirs - Thanks! :)

@Raila - I haven't started it yet, but I keep looking at it... it's calling to me to start it!

@Bookalicious Ramblings - awesome! I hope you enjoy it!

@Trillian - Thanks! :)

@Amber Skye - I hope you can get a copy of it soon too!

@Christina T - Thanks! :)

@Serpentine Librarian - Glad to hear it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :)

@Dazzling Mage - Thanks! :)

@Stephanie - I hope so too, thank you!

@Sarah - I hope you can get them soon too!

@Alayne - Thanks :)

Lori said...

Very nice. I look forward to reading Undead Much. Enjoy your books. Here'smine