Sunday, March 7, 2010

100 Follower Contest!

In appreciation of reaching 100 followers, I am hosting a contest! Thank you for following me, and commenting. I appreciate you all! Thank you for being awesome.

The books up for grabs in this contest are...

1. In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth
2. Firespell - Chloe Neill
3. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins

Contest Rules

1. Must be a follower of this blog through Google Friend Connect. (Thank you!) :)
2. This contest IS international. The books will be sent out through The Book Depository, so please make sure they will ship to your address/country. (Thank you again!)
3. This contest will have 3 winners. Please leave a comment in the comment section on this post with both your email address and the book that you would like to receive the most, or you can leave a list of the books in descending order, #1 being the one you want the most.
4. The first person to win will get their #1 book, the second person will then have their choice of the remaining books, and the third person will receive the last book.
5. Feel free to re-post, or tweet this contest. You'll get extra entries for doing so.
  • old follower +3
  • new follower +1
  • tweet this contest +1
  • make a blog post +1
  • adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1
This will allow up to 6 ballots per person.

6. This contest will end March 26, 2010 at 5pm EST. I will email the winners for their address and wait no more than 48 hours to hear back from them. If they all have the same book listed, I'll wait to hear back from the second winner as to which book they would prefer out of the remaining two.

Thank you again for being awesome!

This contest has been Sunny approved!


Sherry said...


Yay for 100 followers and heres to many, many more.

+3 I am an old follower!

+1 I tweeted.

+1 And amazingly I can add!

+5 total!!

Thanks Corinne!

Oh yea I would like to Win In A Heartbeat! :)


YA Book Queen said...

+3 old follower
+1 tweet:
+1 add up entries


Thanks so much!

Raíla said...

Aww! I really wanted to enter, but I am from Brazil and The Book Depository doesn't ship to here. Good luck to the others!

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Congrats on hitting 100 followers!

+3 old follower

My order would be:
Hex Hall
In A Heart Beat


Corrine said...

Well, that sucks Raila! Do you have any relatives or friends who wouldn't mind having it shipped to them so you could enter?

Erica said...

Congrats on 100 !!!

+1 old follower

+1 add up: toptal 2

:) Erica
thebookcellar @

StephTheBookworm said...

Congrats! I love the kitty! I've always wanted an orange cat. I have 3 cats, sadly, none of them are orange. :( lol.

+3 old follower
+1 add
= 4 total


LunaMoth said...

yay! firstly grats on 100 followers
secondy in order.
1. hex hall
2. firespell
3. the other one..

you are also on my contests sidebar
and i follow youa s LunaMoth

j said...

Congrats on all your followers!

+3 old follower

+1 tweeted

+1 adding up points

+5 total :)

Here's is my selection from first pick to last.

Hex Hall
In a Heartbeat

Thanks for doing this great contest!

Sarah said...

Great contest :o)

old follower +3
tweet this contest +1 (tweet link
adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1
Total = 5

This is a great selection of books but I think my order would be:
Hex Hall
In A Heartbeat

Christina T said...

Congratulations on reaching 100 followers Corrine! Good for you!

Thank you also for having this contest.

+3 old follower
+1 blog post
+1 Total entries=5


First choice: Hex Hall
Second choice: In a Heartbeat

Unknown said...

Congrats on 100 followers! Here's another follower for you! :)

pirate_pony2 at yahoo dot

I would love to win any of these books! Here's the order:
1)Hex Hall
3)in a Heartbeat

+1 new follower
+1 tweet this contest
+1 adding up my entries

+3 Total! Yay me! :P

Kelsy Alexandra said...

Super great contest!!! Congratulations for 100 followers!!
+3 old follower
+1 added
+4 total
I would like to win firespell.
Awesome contest, and thanks!!!


Ren @ All By Myshelf said...

Great contest and congrats on 100 followers!
I would like either Hex Hall or Firespell (in that order). They both sound really good! ^_^

+3 old follower

eclecticdahlia [at] aol [dot] com

bookaholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bookaholic said...

Wow! Great choice of books! I really am lost for words!
+1 New Follower
+1 Tweeted-
+1 Blogpost-
+1 Total entries:4

My choices in order of preference:
Hex Hall
In A Heartbeat

Congrats on 100 followers and thank you so much!

donnas said...

Congrats on 100+ Followers!!

+1 new follower
+1 tweet -
+1 post and sidebar -
+1 total - 4

I would love Hex Hall

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Brodie said...

Congrats on your 100 followers!! Soon enough you'll be adding another zero to that number ;)

Awesome contest, thanks for making it international!

+1 New follower
+1 Tweeted -
+1 Total entries: 3!

My order of preference:
In A Heartbeat

I have a copy of Hex Hall preordered for April 1st release, so no need to enter me in for that!


Shy said...

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your 100 followers. I'm sure that will be A LOT more to come in coming weeks ;) And thank you for celebrating this with us.

+1 New follower

+1 Tweet (

+1 Blog post (

Total entries: 4

I would love to win
(1) Hex Hall
(2) In a Heartbeat
(3) Firespell

Thanks Corrine!

Shy said...

Oh my.. I forgot my email.

Here it is:
shy8629 at gmail dot com

Thank you so much!

Sena said...

Congrats on your followers!

My choice of book:
1. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
2. Firespell - Chloe Neill
3. In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth

new follower +1
+1 twt:
+1 blogpost:
+1 Total: 4

sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com

Anonymous said...

Great giveaway!!

1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In a Heartbeat

kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

new follower +1
tweet this contest +1:
adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1: 3!

Christina / Book Addict said...

Congrats! That's awesome!

+3 old follower
+1 add

+4 total

I would really like to win In A Heartbeat or Hex Hall.

bianca_riot said...

+1. A new follower
+1. Count entries.

2 entries.

I havent read any, so i would be happy with any one of them. :)


Shanyn said...

Yay 100 followers!!! And a great giveaway :)

+1 old follower
+1 addition

+2 total

shanynlee at

Amber Skye said...

Congrats on the 100 followers!

old follower +3
Adding up entries +1


brandileigh2003 said...

* old follower +3
* make a blog post +1 (
* adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1

5 Total

1-In a heartbeat
3- Hex Hall

Tasha said...

+ 3 old follower
+ 1 tweeted
+ 1 added up

= +5 total

My email:

Order: Firespell, Hex Hall, In a heartbeat

Tasha said...

Forgot to give a link to my tweet lol

Steph Su said...

1. Hex Hall
2. In a Heartbeat
3. Firespell

+1 new follower
+1 total entries: 2

stephxsu at gmail dot com

Orchid said...

Congratulations on passing the 100 follower mark! Awesome contest.

+3 old follower

I would love a chance to win:
Hex Hall or Firespell

hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com

twipippi said...

+1 new follower
+1 tweet:
+1 add up entries
Total: +3

1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In A Hearbeat


Bookish in a Box said...

Congrats on the followers!
I'd like to read Hex Hall.

whatinabox at gmail dot com

+1 New follower
+1 Tweet:
+1 Blog post:

+1 TOTAL = 4

whitewolfreads said...


+1 New Follower
+1 Twitter:
+1 Total: 3

Thanks for the giveaway! I would like to win 1. Hex Hall, 2. Firespell, 3. In a Heartbeat.

spettolij AT gmail DOT com

ninefly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ninefly said...

congrats on 100 followers!

in order: Hex Hall, then Firespell, then In a Heartbeat

+1 new follower
+1 tweet
+1 adding up: +3 total


Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Awesome contest!! Congrats on all the followers!!

+3 old follower

+1 tweeted here:

+1 adds up to +6 total


angie said...

new follower +1
tweet this contest +1
1.Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
2.In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth
3.Firespell - Chloe Neill
My email is bangersis(at)msn(dot)com

Total points 3

Kelsey said...

Thanks for the contest!
Here's my list of books in descending order:
1. Firespell
2. Hex Hall
3. In a Heartbeat

New follower. +1

Tweeted: +1

Total: 3

Congrats on the 100 followers! I know firsthand how difficult it is to get that far!


Spav said...

Congrats on your 100 followers!
I will like: 1. Hex Hall 2. In a Heartbeat 3. Firespell

+1 New follower
+1 Tweet:
+1 Blog Post:
Total: 4


The Library Lurker said...

Wow, great contest!

+3 old follower =D
+1 for adding up
= +4

I would like:
1. Hex Hall
2. In a Heartbeat

Jessy said...

Congrats on 100! Thanks for the generous contest. My #1 choice would be Hex Hall

+3-Old follower


+1-added up entries
=5 total entries

findjessyhere at gmail dot com

Fire and Ice said...


+3 old follower
+1 tweeted
+1 added

+5 total

Hex Hall baby!

Dazzling Mage said...

+3 Old follower


Books wanted:
Hex Hall
In a Heartbeat

+1 Tally: 6

Beleth said...

Congrats on 100 followers :D!

+1 new follower
+1 adding entries

Total = 2 entries

My list:
1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In A Heartbeat

Thank you!

battyaboutbats at

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

Congrats on all of your followers!

+1 New follower
+1 For adding

Total = 2

If I won I'd love to get:

1. Hex Hall
2. In a Heartbeat

Thank you so much!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

throuthehaze said...


+1 new follower

+1 added

= 2 entries

I would love to win Hex Hall.

throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Congrats on over 100 followers!! I love coming to your blog :)

+3 old follower
+1 tweeted:
+1 add up entries
=5 total entries

I would love In a Heartbeat or Firespell

Kristen said...


+1 new follower
+1 added up

+2 total :)

dragonzgoil at gmail dot com

Van Pham said...

congrats on 100+ followers

+1 new follower

book order:
hex hall
in a heartbeat

thanks for the contest

van p.

Sara said...

Cool contest! all three books looks awesome, so no preferences here! :)

+1 New follower
+1 Doing the superhard math and count to:
A total of 2 entries! :P


Reena Jacobs said...

Thank you for contributing to my giveaway addiction. Enablers rock!

# new follower +1
# tweet this contest +1 (@reenajacobs)
# adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1


Reena Jacobs said...

Sorry, math isn't so good. Put me down for 3, please. :)

Aik said...

Great giveaway! I'd love to enter! My Twitter is not working. So I posted the link in on Plurk. I hope you don't mind.

My choices:
1. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
2. In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth

# new follower +1

# plurked this contest +1

# make a blog post +1

# adding up your entries for me will get you an additional +1

Total : 4

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Aik said...

Oh, it's working now! So here's my tweet:

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Lindsay Frost said...

I would LOVE to win this!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D

3+ old follower
1+ add

4+ total


Abigail said...

I'm an old follower and I linked this on the Contests & Giveaways section on my sidebar

and I will post this on my Win on Wed post


5 entries total

EVA SB said...

Congrats on 100 followers. Thanks for a great giveaway and for making it international.

+1 new follower
+1 I tweeted
+1 total = 3

I would like to win Hex Hall[@]gmail[.]com

tetewa said...

Congrats, I'm a new follower!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 100 followers!
Book choice:
1. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
2. Firespell - Chloe Neill
3. In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth

+1 new follower

Diana Dang said...

New follower!

Hex Hall
In A Heart Beat

= 2

faked_sugartone at hotmail

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 100 followers and thank you for making this contest international!!

+1 I'm a new follower
+1 I tweeted about the contest here:
+1 I will add up my entries:

that's +3 in total!

My preference regarding the books:

#1: Firespell
#2: Hex Hall
#3: In a Heartbeat

Thank you!

stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com

Gaby G said...

Congrats!! And thanks for the contest!!

#1 Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins
#2 In A Hearbeat - Loretta Ellsworth
#3 Firespell - Chloe Neill

magabygc AT gmail DOT com

new follower +1
tweet this contest +1 :

total: 2

Anonymous said...

1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In A Heartbeat

angel28140 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com

+1 new follower (Lisa M. Basso)
+1 adding up your entries

total +2

Jess13angel said...

Thanks for making this international!! =)
My order would be:
1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In A Heartbeat

+1 I'm a new follower
+1 tweeted here :
+1 add up
total: 3

Jessica N.

Bookie said...

+1 new follower
+1 tweeted
+1 add up entries

=3 entries

The order of books I want
1.Hex Hall
2.In A Heartbeat

buddyt said...

Well your contest has been so successful that you now have over 200 Followers. Another contest required ?
Just kidding !

+1 New Follower
+1 This comment
+1 Add entries

Total = 3

Next milestone 500 Followers !

All the best.

Carol T (International)

buddytho {at} gmail DOT com

Ashley said...

I'd love to be entered! booksobsession(at)gmail(dot)com

My book/choice order: In a Heartbeat, Firespell, Hex Hall

+3 Old follower.
+1 Sidebar at
+1 I'll add my total! It is: 5! :)

Tina said...


+3 old follower
+1 add up entries

TOTAL: +4 entries

- In a heartbeat
- Hex Hall
- Firespell


Bookie said...

daily tweet

Van Pham said...

+3 old follower

total= 1+ 3= 4

thanks for the great contest!

van p.

ReaganStar said...

I am a new follower +1
I tweeted +1
I am adding them up +1=3

In order
1. Hex Hall
2. In a Heartbeat
3. Firespell

Martha Lawson said...

Congrats on 100 followers!!

1. Hex Hall
2. Firespell
3. In a Heartbeat

+1 New follower
+1 for totaling entries

2 total entries

Justine said...

Ooh, grats on the followers! :) This is an amazing contest, by the way!

In descending order:
1) In a Heartbeat
2) Hex Hall
3) Firespell

+3 old follower

A total of 4 entries!

Thank you!

~The Book Pixie said...

Congrats on 100 Followers! How exciting?! And now it appears you have over 200 so YAY again. lol. Great contest.

1. Hex Hall
2. In a Heartbeat
3. Firespell (I already own a copy of this so would really rather have one of the others if I win.)

+3 Old follower
+1 Tweet:
+1 Added up

Total= +5


P.S. Adorable kitty!

MannaB said...

I really want to win Hex Hall!!!

new follower +1
+1 all entries=2

ally said...

I hope i'm still on time!!!

+1 new follower
+1 for adding up
*don't have time to do the others =/*

1. Hex Hall
2. In a heartbeat
3. Firespell