Saturday, March 20, 2010

In My Mailbox -13-

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren every Sunday. In My Mailbox is a weekly meme that lets everyone see what books you have received or bought that week.

A little advance warning... I was bad this week... last week, not so much, this week? Very.

For Review


1. Fantasy in Death - J.D. Robb
2. NCIS: Blood Lines - Mel Odom
3. The Body Finder - Kimberly Derting
4. Taken By Storm - Angela Morrison
5. The Sharing Knife: Horizon - Lois McMaster Bujold
6. The Otherworldlies - Jennifer Anne Kogler
7. The Vampire and the Virgin - Kerrelyn Sparks
8. Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman
9. Rogue Angel: Sacred Ground - Alex Archer
10. Boys that Bite - Mari Mancusi
11. The Castle in the Attic - Elizabeth Winthrop


I completely forgot about posting the swag that came in the mail last week! I recently won some swag from Chloe Neill through Kari's (A Good Addiction) author chats and book forum. So I was pretty excited when I opened it up and found a couple of postcards for the Chicagoland Vampires series, a Firespell bookmark, a sticker, pen, and button. Thank you Chloe! :)


If you haven't already checked it out... I have a contest running for the books, Firespell, In A Heartbeat and Hex Hall. You can find it here. It runs until March 26, 2010. Thanks for being amazing bloggers, followers, and all around good people! You are all awesome. :)

That's what I received in my mailbox this week, what did you get in yours?


Raíla said...

Aw, I can't wait to have my copy of TBF in my hands! I think it will take about a month to arrive, but it's okay, I think (again)... I have some (lots of) books on my TBR pile! Hhaha... This week I received books for review for the very first time in my life! :-)

Kari Olson said...

I forgot about that swag too haha but great week! =D

Morgan said...

Wow, you got so much stuff! I've been wanting to read The Body Finder and I hope you enjoy it!

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

Nice swag! The Body Finder and Boys That Bite are ones I've been wanting to read. Enjoy :0

Unknown said...

OMG you are SO lucky!
I want the third book from Chloe Neill!
P.S Ive read Boys That Bite, good book, the author reminds me a lot of me.

Nikki @ Bookizzle said...

Ooh, nice array of books! I hope you enjoy 'em!

Jennifer @ Mrs. Q: Book Addict said...

Great mailbox! I really want to The Body Finder. Al the books look good. Enjoy!

Shantal said...
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Shantal said...

Nice! :) , I've been wanting to read the body finder, I'll be looking forward to reading some reviews since I don't know most of the books :). Happy reading!!.

Mine is here

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Lots of great books and awesome swag!!

bookaholic said...

So many awesome books and that lovely swag!! Enjoy!

Maria said...

Great books! I've only read Taken by Storm, which is awesome, but the others sure looks good as well :) Enjoy!

Amber Skye said...

What a great haul of books! Hope you enjoy all of them :)

Maria (Serpentine Library) said...

Great books this week! The Body Finder is on my wishlist. Have a great reading week :)

Christina T said...

Oh, I loved the Castle in the Attic when I was a kid! It was one of my favorite stories but I'd forgotten about it.

The Body Finder is on my TBR list and youhave some other titles that look interesting like Taken By Storm. Not sure what it's about but I love the cover. I hope you enjoy your books.

Here is what's in my mailbox.

Sara said...

Whoa you got amazing books this week! I've heard so many good things about The Body Finder. Happy reading! :)

Corrine said...

Thanks for all of the comment love guys. I promise I'll check out your IMM posts and will get back to you, but I'm not feeling so hot right now. I appreciate all of the comments though, and I enjoy reading them. Hope you are all having a great weekend! :)

Dazzling Mage said...

Awesome books! Anansi Boys is HILARIOUSLY good! Hope you enjoy it!

Lori said...

Cool swag. I hope that you enjoy your books. Happy Reading! Here's mymine