Saturday, March 6, 2010

In My Mailbox -11-

In My Mailbox is hosted by Kristi over at The Story Siren every Sunday. In My Mailbox is a weekly meme that lets everyone see what books you have received or bought that week.

For Review

1. First Daughter - Eric Van Lustbader (Thank you Anne/Forge!)
2. Last Snow - Eric Van Lustbader (Thank you Anne/Forge!)

I can't wait to start these, they look really good! Look for the reviews shortly, once they are up, I'll be hosting a contest for both books courtesy of Anne. (Thank you again, Anne!)


1. In a Heartbeat - Loretta Ellsworth. I won this book over at Darcy's blog, Library Lounge Lizard. It was a signed copy and I received a bookmark with the book as well. Thank you both to Loretta and to Darcy for hosting the contest! I can't wait to read this! :)


1. Book of Souls - Glenn Cooper
2. Steamed - Katie MacAlister
3. BoneMan's Daughters - Ted Dekker
4. Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins

That's what I received in my mailbox this week, what did you get in yours?


Booklover Book Reviews said...

Great pile of books this week - a book won is always nice - enjoy!

Kari Olson said...

Awesome books! I am about to start on First Daughter and Last Snow as well. Woot. Im excited too... =D

Sarah said...

Great selection! I can't wait to read Hex Hall :o) Hope you enjoy all your books

Bere said...

Awesome books! I just bought Steamed,
can't wait to start reading it.
Happy reading! =)

Sara said...

You got some great books this week! I really want to read In a Heartbeat-I've heard great things about. Happy reading :)

I'm a Lit-Bitch, Baby said...

Great selection of books this week! Especially Hex Hall (I continue to be jealous of everyone who has this because I haven't had the chance to pick it up yet)

Dazzling Mage said...

Ooh, I really want to get my hands on Hex Hall!

Happy reading!

Bookalicious Ramblings said...

Great books, I hope you enjoy them! :) I'm still waiting for my copy of In a Heartbeat to arrive, I'm dying to read it!

Chrissie said...

You got some great books this week. Hope you enjoy them :)

Melissa said...

I love the cover of In a Heartbeat! Hope it's good :)

Here's mine!

Amber Skye said...

I ALMOST bought Hex Hall yesterday. I wanted to so badly, but... I resisted. I've been trying to cut back on my book buying. *Sighs* Hope you enjoy all of your new books!

Shanyn said...

Oooooh Hex Hall!! I can't wait to read that. I also really want to read In a Heartbeat. Good books!

Alayne said...

I hope Steamed is good, I almost bought it the other day. Happy reading. My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

Miss Remmers said...

Oh I so want to read "Hex Hall." I love your layout btw!

Miss Remmers said...

I am totally your 100th follower! Congrats!

Raíla said...

In A Heartbeat and Hex Hall are both books I am wanting. Hope you like all of them!

Stephanie said...

These look good. I am intrigued by In a Heartbeat ... congratulations on winning a signed copy!

Christina T said...

Nice selection of books! I can't wait to read Hex Hall and I've heard good things about In a Heartbeat. Hope you like your books and I look forward to your reviews.

Here is what's in my mailbox.

Little Miss Becky :) said...

Ooo, I really want In a Heartbeat! These all look great, have fun reading!

Lori said...

I have Steamed, I would like to read HexHall. You have a nice grouping this week. Here's Mine.

ck.twilighter (Chasity) said...

I have Steamed as well but have not read it yet.
I adore your book haul! Enjoy!

April said...

Ohhh, great books!! I have yet to read Boneman's Daughter and REALLY want to! lol

Here is mine: