Elizabeth Isaacs is here today with a character tweets post courtesy of the Teen Book Scene blog tour her book, The Light of Asteria. Thank you for being here today, Beth! You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

@Nora Edna, are you there? I logged you on before I left.
@Edna Sunny, I still feel uneasy about just typing something and then letting it fly out in space. You never know whose reading this thing
@Nora Remember when I told you that I had secured your page? No one can see it but the people who follow you, and you have to approve those.
@Edna I still don’t understand why we just can’t use the phone. It’s worked fine for 50 years.
@Nora because when I’m in class I can’t talk, and I might need to tell you something.
@Enda Sunny, that’s just plain rude. You’re not in class to talk to me but to learn.
@Nora Still, it’s nice to have.
@Rena What a primitive form of communication.
@Edna I thought you said that only you could see these.
@Nora No, I said only those that you’ve allowed to follow you can see them.
@Rena Should I not be on here? I fail to see the point.
@Nora Not all of us can talk by thinking, Reen.
@Edna Don’t think you should be typin stuff like that, Sunny. We don’t know whose watchin.
@Gavin Oh, I see you have Edna’s twitter page up and running. Wonderful!
@Edna Now this is just getting silly. Gavin can see my page now.
@Nora That’s because you approved him when we set it up.
@Edna Oh.
@Nora @Rena Did @Tark get his page set up?
@Rena He chose not to participate in this exercise, my lady.
@Edna He’s got a good head on his shoulders, that one. Reminds me of my cousin Jeb. Great swimmer, and a truck load of common sense.
@Rena LOL
@Edna who in the Sam Hill is Lol?
@Nora Edna, that stands for laugh out loud. It’s like shorthand.
@Edna well why not just say what ya mean? Kids today!
@Rena I should remind you that technically I am older than you.
@Edna and I should remind you that we are typing things that are flying God knows where.
@Nora Ed, your account is secure.
@Edna Secure my eyeball. If you need me pick up the phone.
Thank you for being here today, Beth, and thanks for this fun 'tweet' post!
Elizabeth Isaacs has graciously provided Lost For Words with 2 e-book copies of The Light of Asteria for giveaway.
Thank you, Beth!
Giveaway is International and will end July 28, 2011.
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