Sheenah Freitas is here with her main character, Kaia, as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for her book, The Chosen. Thank you for being here Sheenah, and Kaia! You can follow along with the tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!

Hi Kaia, thanks for being here!
What did you think when you first realized the village was on fire?
My mind was completely numb. I mean, when you see your entire world disappearing in front of you it’s hard for the mind to even process. I wanted to run in and help, to do something, but Reeze stopped me.
What went through your mind when you first met the women in the shrine?
They were strange. I thought they were with Tipton and my main concern was to help Reeze. I needed to protect him, just as he had protected me, but what could I do? Part of me told me to trust them, but at the same time I didn’t want to.
How would you describe yourself to someone you've just met?
Me? Well, I’d tell them that I’m just an average girl. Though I suppose average girls don’t have blue hair and was born with a symbol that marked me as the Chosen. Other than that, I’m just an average girl.
What is your ideal date?
*blushes* Date? I’ve never given it much thought… I mean, I don’t really have the time… I suppose being able to shop at a marketplace and having a simple dinner afterwards would be ideal. As long as I could spend the day without having to worry about my responsibilities and getting attacked, that would be the ultimate date. Not that I’ve been thinking about it or anything…
If you could change one thing about all that has happened on your quest, what would it be and why?
Not having my village destroyed. I want to know that when my quest is over, I’ll have a home to go back to, but I don’t. This quest has allowed me to see and meet such a vast land and people, but I’d trade it all back just so I could see my mother again.
What's up next for you?
Finishing my quest. I just discovered where Catrina is hiding, so I’m hoping that she’ll rejoin me and not be angry that I’ve been gone for so long. I’ve got a long journey ahead of me, but nobody said saving the world was going to be easy.
Thank you for answering my questions Kaia, and thank you for being here, Sheenah!
Kaia's entire life has erupted in flames after an assassin appears and burns her village down. She's rescued by a god from another planet who requests her help because she's the descendant of their last savior. Together with Reeze -- the only other survivor from her village and her appointed guardian -- they set off on a quest to find the treasures of the gods in hopes of preventing a dire prophesy. Kaia and Reeze quickly meet the Tueors, a group of people many thought extinct, who are searching specifically for Kaia. Their intention: to protect the truth. As Kaia discovers more about the truth and her family's past, she also learns of the Tueors' bloody secret. Will Kaia be the savior the gods have been waiting for? Or will she let the prophesy come true?
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
Ooh, awesome cover! I love reading character interviews--it really shows off how well the author knows their character and their character's voice. Awesome interview!
I love the cover too! The character sounds like an interesting and fun personality. Thank you for the interview!
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