Eileen Cook is here today with one of her characters as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for her books, Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood and The Education of Hailey Kendrick. Thank you for being here today, Eileen! You can follow along with the tour here or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy Helen/Clare Dantes' book picks!

Guest Post written by Helen/Clare Dantes from Getting Revenge on Lauren Wood.
Thanks for having me! Some things I’ve been reading lately include:
The Count of Monte Cristo- This is a classic book about revenge and it’s been great for ideas. Of course I would never actually attack Lauren with a sword. Mostly because a) I don’t have a sword and b) if I did I would go to jail and would look lousy in an orange prison jumpsuit.
The Golden Age of Cinema by Jewell: I absolutely LOVE old classic movies. Everyone always wore those great outfits. It also doesn’t hurt that I’ve started to date this guy, Christopher, who wants to be a director when he grows up. Not only is he hot, but he also knows who directed Casablanca.
How to Meditate by Novak: My parents gave me this book. They’re totally into meditation, letting the universe be your guide, natural hemp fiber clothing (despite the fact it gives my dad a rash), and eating things like lentil bars. I haven’t read it yet.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Dahl: This was one of my favorite books growing up. I like all the candy and also the idea that the nasty kids get turned into giant blueberries and the good kid gets the whole factory.
Before I Fall by Oliver: I loved this book. I liked how the main character kept getting another chance to make things right. I wish there were do-overs in real life.
Thank you for these book picks! I agree with you, I wish there were do-overs in real life too.
Thank you for being here, Helen/Clare, and Eileen!
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