David Huffstetler is here today with an author interview courtesy of the Tribute Books blog tour for his book, Blood on the Pen. Thank you for being here today, David! You can follow along with the tour here. Enjoy!
Can you give us a description of Blood on the Pen in haiku?
Autumn of terror
By a killer they don’t know
Can they survive it?
If you found yourself in Jack and Elsie’s world, what would you do first?
Get the heck out of Texas. Well, maybe not, but their world is more than chasing a psychopathic killer. Their relationship gets more complicated, perhaps more special, by the day, so I might spend some time with a therapist. Of course, Jack already has one.
What one song describes the world as you see it?
I assume this means Jack and Elsie’s world, and it isn’t a song so much as it is a verse from a song. When I listen to Ed Ames, yes I said Ed Ames, sing Try to Remember, I am stricken by the line that says, “Without the hurt the heart is hollow.” It captures the pain of life, but also the hope, that eternal breath that says the pain comes from something deeper. If the people we care about weren’t so important to us, then it wouldn’t hurt so much to lose them, and you can’t have one emotion without the other.
If Murphy’s law applied to you, what scenario would you most likely encounter?
I only accept Murphy’s law in part. Bad things can happen, and they can happen at the worst time, but they don’t always happen. If it did apply to me, then the devastating bad thing would be for something to happen to my family. My writing is important to me, but the possibility a bad review or finding someone who can’t wait to trash your work on in a chat room is part of the price you pay when you step into this world.
Do you have any quirks about writing?
Quirks? Why, whatever do you mean? I like to be alone when I write. Some writers like to have a drink or play music, but not me. Perhaps a cup of coffee, but all I really want is to be left with my characters, so we can talk.
You’ve made the newspaper headline. What does it say? What don’t you want it to say?
Extra, Extra, Strange Author Writes About Love and Murder in Texas.
What I don’t want it to say is, Huffstetler’s Work Mediocre, Predictable.
Thank you for being here today, and answering my questions David!
Blood on the Pen can be found as an ebook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Wild Child Publishing.
Jack Harden is a modern-day Texas Ranger haunted by his wife's death a year ago.
But when a murderer strikes, he is called into duty. Now he must battle the urge to kill the drunk driver responsible for her death and the hunger to kill himself as he hunts for a serial killer who wants him dead.
Elsie Rodriguez is assigned to report on the murders for her newspaper and ordered to stay with Jack Harden. He's old school, tough, and doesn't want her there, but, despite his gruff manner, the big Ranger triggers something inside her. Something more than just her Latin temper.
Can she pull him back from the edge of sanity? Or will death win again?
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
Educated in Dallas, North Carolina, David Huffstetler holds degrees in Engineering and Business Administration. He has worked in the area of human relations and spent fourteen years weaving through the maze of politics, including participating in a Federal Law suit as Chairman of the Workers’ Compensation Commission, with a sitting governor over issues of separation of powers. David has served on Boards of Directors for numerous professional organizations including Crime Stoppers, SC Workers’ Compensation Educational Association, SC Safety Council, the SC Fire Academy, and the Governor’s Advisory Committee on Workers’ Compensation. He has advised governors and legislators on matters of public policy and legislation. His wealth of experience is broad and brings deep insight to his writing.

He turned the frustrations and rejection that plagues thousands of yet-to-be-published authors into the heralded mystery/thriller Blood on the Pen, with a serial killer disposing of literary agents. David, an avid history buff, led him to write Dead in Utah, the story of Joe Hill, the controversial musician and union organizer accused of a double murder in 1914.
His books receive praise from mystery readers across the globe.
As an editor, David edited a treatise on the South Carolina workers’ compensation laws, as well as, Shannon Faulkner’s novel Fire and Ice. Shannon was the first female cadet at the Citadel. She received national publicity for her federal lawsuit and was a guest on Good Morning America.
As an editor, public speaker, and seasoned professional, David has appeared on television and radio, and has lectured on the East Coast, California, Canada and Mexico.
David currently lives in Lexington, South Carolina with his wife, Trudy.
That is one awesome + intriguing haiku,
Great interview!
Corrine, what a fun interview - great questions!
David, your haiku was fantastic :)
Thank you both. It was a fun interview, not what I expected.
I'm so glad you enjoyed the interview, David!
Thank you, ladies! =D
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