Today, Brian Farrey is here as part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for his book, With or Without You. Thank you for being here, Brian! You can follow along with the tour here. Enjoy!

Hear ye! Hear ye! Court is now in session. The Honorable Brian Farrey presiding. All in attendance should note that all decisions rendered by the Honorable Brian Farrey are final, binding, and absolute. So neener, neener, neener!
Coffee or tea: Definitely tea. Coffee makes me ill. Tazo Wild Orange tea is probably my fave. I like fruity or herbal teas best but very little beats a good English Breakfast with milk and honey. If you’re ever in St. Paul, you must go to the Tea Source and try Evening in Missoula. Sometimes I think it tastes like bubble gum. Other times I think it tastes like root beer. Either way, it’s awesome.
Victorian or Gothic: Um… maybe a little of both?
Comedy or Tragedy: I love both but when forced to choose, I’ll go for a laugh first. It’s true what they say, that comedy is hard. Especially since humor is so subjective. So I really admire an intelligent sense of humor.
Pastry or Cookie: Hmmm…. I’m very picky about cookies. I like mushy, soft cookies. I will thoroughly soak an Oreo in milk until it’s soggy before eating it. Given the choice, I’d probably go for a pastry because, chances are, it’s already soft and chewy. Napoleons are my favorite. If you ever meet me in person, ask me about my college car pool, the napoleons, and the raffle ticket wars.
Unicorn or Pixie: To what use am I putting these creatures? Do I need them for a ride? If so, unicorn. Do I need an assassin? Then it’s gotta be pixie.
Snape or Voldemort: Snape. Severus lives!
Theater or at Home: My husband would kill me if I didn’t say theatre. I’m typically a homebody but when we go out, it’s most likely to see a live performance.
Kettlecorn or Butter Popcorn: Sorry, this one’s a “neither.” Can’t stand popcorn of any kind.
Modern or Abstract Art: You know, this one really depends on my mood. I think that, more often, I’d seek out Abstract. But I’ve been known to indulge in the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis from time to time. They got some funky modern stuff.
Zebra or Okapi: I tend to like to say ‘Okapi’ more than ‘Zebra’ so let’s go with Okapi!
Brian Farrey’s debut YA novel, WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, will be published May 24 by Simon Pulse. He tweets @BrianFarrey and he blogs at
Thank you so much for those unique and wildly wonderful answers, Brian! I love the thought you put into them, especially the unicorn or pixie. ;)
1 comment:
Love buttery popcorn, but can't do Kettlecorn. And nooooo on the mushy cookies! LOL. Like you, I love a good laugh though.
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