As part of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for Island Sting, I have Bonnie J. Doerr here today answering some questions. I reviewed Island Sting yesterday, and found it a highly enjoyable eco-read. If you would like to follow along with the tour, please click on the banner, and it will open up the tour details in a new page.

If you were faced with the same situation Kenzie is faced with, what would you do? Would you have done anything differently?
I wouldn’t handle life the way Kenzie did in either Island Sting or Stakeout (to be released in early 2011). I wouldn’t approach nabbing criminals the way she did. Not as an adult or when I was a teen. Kenzie is everything I wish I were. I don’t have her courage or fearlessness. I’m a planner, not impulsive. Though I envy impulsive people the excitement in their life. Even as a teen, I was always aware of consequences. Doesn’t mean I didn’t sometimes make the conscious decision to jump and suffer them afterwards. But I considered options before leaping. Maybe that trait is the result of growing up in a serious scouting family—the “Be prepared” mindset.
I would definitely have taken on the Keys Teens Care cleanup campaign though. The part of Kenzie that wants people to stop trashing the environment is definitely me. The fundraising and organizing is the kind of thing I did when I was in high school. I still have great memories of the after-prom, all night dance party I put together. Our class had a blast. But as far as tackling a dangerous criminal, not me. I would have, however, hounded the state to send additional wildlife personnel to help solve the crimes. I would have written letters to the editor and motivated others to also ask for public support, and I would’ve contacted the media to help push the state to assist all local law enforcement. I’m more of a behind the scenes instigator.
If you could meet a character from any book ever written, which character and book would you choose, and why?
There’s no question that I’d love to meet and party with Stephanie Plum, the wacky bounty hunter from Janet Evanovich’s mystery series. Stephanie’s a regular gal who without planning to lives an irregular life that’s equally horrifying and tantalizing. I’d love to listen to Stephanie’s notorious stories about one after another of her cars being blown up. I’m sure she’d dish about her hot and cold, tangled relationships with Ranger and Morelli, too. I’d invite Granma Mazur to join us so I could laugh with her about her latest funeral parlor escapades and ask if she’s accidentally shot anyone lately. And then I’d hope that Lula would arrive to entertain us with her colorful boyfriend exploits and recent, wild, and snug wardrobe additions. I can’t imagine an evening of more laughs!
What books would Kenzie read and call her favorites?
Kenzie loves Anne of Green Gables. Not surprising when you think of Anne’s passion, red hair, love of nature, and her affectionate, intellectual rivalry with Gilbert Blythe—a handsome boy who rescued Anne from a river... All elements in Kenzie’s own life.
When she was younger, Kenzie also loved reading The Secret Garden because it transported her from a concrete NYC world. She loved the take-charge personality that Mary Lennox developed and all the secrets that were being kept from adults. The mysterious Dickon, who had such an intimate relationship with his environment, and old Ben, the rough, wise gardener, may have initiated Kenzie’s appreciation for the charming, eco-savvy Angelo and the kind, world-wise, but unschooled, elderly Fisher—two characters she met when she moved to Florida.
Soon after she moved to the Florida Keys, Kenzie met Meg Cabot in Key West and immediately became a fan of anything Meg writes. She also loved 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher and when prodded admitted to falling for the Twilight Series.
What would the front page headline of a newspaper say about you?
Can’t imagine how it would end, but it could start with Against All Odds.
If you could be a tree, which would you be, and why?
I would be a southern magnolia. They make a beautiful statement all year long with leaves that are shiny, brilliant green on top and velvety brown below. They’re stubborn-strong, graceful, and stand independent. Many universities grow magnolias on campus. That’s where I’d want to be. In the middle of the action providing shade for creative and independent thinkers. Though I’d be tough as nails, I’d produce large, stunning flowers with an unrivaled fragrance and grace countless homes with decorative beauty in both spring and winter. My bright red seeds would provide food for birds, and at the end of my time, I’d be versatile enough to provide timber for fine furniture or tough construction.
I love your in-depth answers, Bonnie! Thank you for being here today! :)
Final question. Who would you choose: Morelli or Ranger? ;)
I love her thought-provoking answers! She really took the time to consider the meaning behind each question, and I love when authors do that. Great interview, Corrine and Bonnie :)
Corrine, I so enjoyed being with you for your interview, but I can't believe you asked me to choose between Morelli and Ranger. Today while my husband drove home from our Christmas with Mama, I was reading Evanovich's Sizzling Sixteen and Stephanie was going thru the same old problem. Which hot dude? I don't think I'd pick either one. I need a guy who reads! Have you *seen* either one with a book in his hand?
I know I put you on the spot with that last question, Bonnie. :D I like both Ranger and Morelli for different reasons, but I'm with you. I need a reader! Come to think of it, I also haven't seen either one of them with a book in hand. ;)
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