Zale. Gauthier. Varden. These three dynasties... They all sound like something out of an ancient, oriental myth or fairy tale. The concept of humans and dragons helping and living in harmony with one another, without fear. To me, that's exactly what they are. A distant dream only read of, whispered secretly, quietly yearned for. For, you see, I am the new Quelda of Tynan. These words echo the mystery, horror, and romance found within Schulze's fantasy novel. Along with her new husband, Chalom, Crislin must choose to embrace cruel tradition, run from it, or stand against it. The young couple's only hope is to rally the help of the three peaceful dragon dynasties of Sulaimon-but tradition is not on their side, even outside the realm of Tynan. The dragons outside Tynan's borders have been rumored as too stubborn and proud to believe their Tynanian brothers would commit such horrors as inflicted upon the Quelda. Gaining their aid is not a likely hope. Yet, any hope at all is valued in Tynan... If they are to stand a chance of bringing cruel tradition to a permanent end, Crisilin and Chalom must brave the constant, consuming blizzards of the Ever-white. They must brave the three dynasties and the challenges awaiting there. Together, they must convince the dragon emperors to allow them access to the shrines which house the sacred Aria - protective strands of music which may be able to disperse the evil from Tynan and unite the four dynasties of Sulaimon as a whole once again. Their only aid stems from a sprite whose moods are as unstable as her magic, a young minstrel, and a mysterious fox. Despite the odds, such plans are daring, dangerous, unprecedented, but fully possible - if they can escape the Wall first.
(Synopsis taken from goodreads.)
Title: Bloodmaiden
Author: Christine E. Schulze
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy
Publisher: Old Line Publishing, LLC
Publication Date: May 28, 2010
Format: E-book
Source: Won. Review is courtesy of the Teen Book Scene blog tour for Christine Schulze. You can follow along with the tour here.
Look for it: Amazon, Book Depository.
My rating: 4/5
Crislin is the Quelda of Tynan. 70 years ago, dragons and human alike lived together in harmony, carrying out the long upheld tradition that would tie their two races together. Within the last 60 years or so, the dragons have implemented a cruel tradition, one that horrifies the people of Tynan. One with a price that they must pay if they are to live in Tynan. Crislin, and her new husband, Chalom, must decide if they are going to uphold the tradition, or if they are strong enough to defy it and find help to return the dynasty to the way it once was.
Crislin and Chalom are easy characters to like. With their future ahead of them, one would think that nothing could go wrong, but as the new Quelda for her people, Crislin and Chalom's future together isn't that bright. They need to defy the dragons, and escape if they are ever going to consider a long and happy future together. With their escape, the future remains unclear, as they need to petition the other dragon dynasties to help return their homeland to its previous state of harmony. Along the way, more parties are added to the quest, and they will help determine the future of Tynan.
Bloodmaiden is a character-driven plot, and a good one at that. However, I would have loved to see their quest fleshed out even more. The interactions between the characters is excellent, and I loved the riddles used in the one dynasty. Though this is a short read, it is a good one, and I enjoyed it. I think fantasy fans will enjoy it as well.
All in all, a unique and haunting storyline that will have you on the edge of your seat hoping that things work out for Crislin, Chalom and their new-found friends. Young adults and teens will enjoy it, and I think those that like riddles will appreciate the riddles included as well. I can't wait to read more from Schulze.
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Look for it: Amazon, Book Depository.
My rating: 4/5
Crislin is the Quelda of Tynan. 70 years ago, dragons and human alike lived together in harmony, carrying out the long upheld tradition that would tie their two races together. Within the last 60 years or so, the dragons have implemented a cruel tradition, one that horrifies the people of Tynan. One with a price that they must pay if they are to live in Tynan. Crislin, and her new husband, Chalom, must decide if they are going to uphold the tradition, or if they are strong enough to defy it and find help to return the dynasty to the way it once was.
Crislin and Chalom are easy characters to like. With their future ahead of them, one would think that nothing could go wrong, but as the new Quelda for her people, Crislin and Chalom's future together isn't that bright. They need to defy the dragons, and escape if they are ever going to consider a long and happy future together. With their escape, the future remains unclear, as they need to petition the other dragon dynasties to help return their homeland to its previous state of harmony. Along the way, more parties are added to the quest, and they will help determine the future of Tynan.
Bloodmaiden is a character-driven plot, and a good one at that. However, I would have loved to see their quest fleshed out even more. The interactions between the characters is excellent, and I loved the riddles used in the one dynasty. Though this is a short read, it is a good one, and I enjoyed it. I think fantasy fans will enjoy it as well.
All in all, a unique and haunting storyline that will have you on the edge of your seat hoping that things work out for Crislin, Chalom and their new-found friends. Young adults and teens will enjoy it, and I think those that like riddles will appreciate the riddles included as well. I can't wait to read more from Schulze.
Christine has graciously provided a paperback copy of Bloodmaiden to giveaway.
Thank you, Christine!
This giveaway is open to US/Canada only. (Sorry to those of you who are international!
Giveaway will end February 21, 2011.
Giveaway has ENDED. Thank you to those who participated!
Giveaway has ENDED. Thank you to those who participated!
Thank you!
this looks like a great book. thanks so much for the giveaway and the introduction to the book!
Thanks again so much, Corrine, for having me! So glad you enjoyed the read. Others have desired it to be a bit longer; perhaps you might enjoy some of my longer works, such as The Gailean Quartet, sometime. Thanks again so much and God bless!
~ Christine E. Schulze
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