I'm going to work backwards on the awards... so I'll start with the lovely award I received this morning. This one is one that I've seen around on several blogs and it is the "Honest Scrapper" award. I received it from Amanda of Daydreams and Wanderings. Thank you Amanda, I really appreciate this award!

Recipients of this creative award have to list ten things about themselves that few others know. Then they pass it along to seven other blogs. :-D
Ten things you might not know about me:
1. It's not spring until you can smell baseball on the air. I love that wet, earthy smell on a new spring night, when it's just starting to warm up. It just smells like baseball. It's the only way I can describe it. (My brother incidentally agrees with me... I described it to him the other day and he was like, yesss! THAT smell, it DOES smell like baseball!!!)
2. I have mad love for the Backstreet Boys... ever since I first heard them in '97. To this day, I can listen to any and all of their music for hours on end.
3. Number 2 makes me a HUGE dork. (And I am not ashamed of that! lol)
4. In grade 3, my teachers were telling me that I was at a grade 12 reading level.
5. I am left-handed. (My friends know this, but other than that, not a lot of people do.)
6. I play baseball, well, softball both left and right-handed. Throw left, bat right. (Most sports I play right-handed though.)
7. I have 4 cats. 3 girls, 1 guy. Nickelle, Sunny, Mocha, and Skye. (calico, org/wht, siamese X, torti).
8. I wanted to be a veterinarian when I grew up... that was before I discovered books.
9. Now I want to write them.
10. I love the country, the solitude, the trees... nature... I just love it!
Now that I've spilled the beans... I will award some of my fellow bloggers. These are blogs that I love reading, and I love their reviews!
1. I Swim For Oceans
2. Bites
3. A Good Addiction
4. Flipping Pages for all Ages
5. Book Crazy
6. Mrs. Q: Book Addict
7. Escape Between the Pages
This next award I received on 3 separate occasions throughout the weekend. I received it from Jenn of Book Crazy, Shantal of Booknerds are Pretty Too, and last, but certainly not least from Morgan of Smitten With Books. Thank you ladies, I love this award! It is the "Happy 101" award.

1. Spending time with my family.
2. Just being with my fiance makes me happy.
3. Relaxing at home and playing with the cats.
4. Reading a good book.
5. Getting comments and followers on here. (this makes me amazingly happy!)
6. Reading a really good review that I can say, yes, I agree with that completely!
7. Walking into Chapters just makes me happy, being surrounded by all of those books!
8. (Incidentally, helping people find books there especially since I don't work there!)
9. Recommending a book to someone and having them come back to me and say they loved it and wanted to know what else I could recommend to them.
10. Listening to my music makes me happy too.
Now I'll pass this award on to some new favourites that make me happy...
1. Mug of Moxie
2. A Literary Odyssey
3. The Farmer's Daughter's Bookshelf
4. My Overstuffed Bookshelf
5. Wondrous Reads
6. Bloody Bad
7. The Bibliophile's Journal
8. Emma Michaels
9. The Serpentine Library
10. Sophistikatied Reviews
Next up is the Prolific Blogger Award. I received this one from Jenn at Book Crazy as well. (Thanks Jenn!) :)

A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive... keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to this post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (Click here for the Mr. Linky page.)
I can choose whomever I want for this award, so I am going to pass this award on to everyone who has also received the Happy 101 award AND the Honest Scrap award. You all deserve it! Spread the love! :)
The next award I received (yes, Jenn went award crazy lol!) is from Jenn at Book Crazy. Thank you for this award, I love it! It is the "Humane Award".

1. A Good Addiction
2. Flipping Pages for all Ages
3. Book Crazy
4. Mrs Q: Book Addict
5. I Swim for Oceans
6. Smitten With Books
This next award I also received from Jenn @ Book Crazy. It's the Blogger Buddy Award! Thank you Jenn, it is cute, and much appreciated!

Now, I'm down to the last award. Thank you all for bearing with me! I received this one as well from Jenn at Book Crazy. Thank you Jenn! :) It is the Splash Award.

The Rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog/post.
2. Nominate up to 9 blogs which allure, amuse, bewitch, impress or inspire you.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have been splashed by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link to the person from whom you received your Splash award.
6. Have F~U~N.
I am passing this award on to the following splashy blogs!
1. Daydreams and Wanderings
2. Smitten With Books
3. Booknerds are Pretty Too
4. Book Crazy
5. Flipping Pages for all Ages
6. I Swim for Oceans
7. Escape Between the Pages
8. Sophistikatied Reviews
9. A Good Addiction
You are probably thinking, finally! She's done! ;) Thank you to everyone who has given me an award. I appreciate it and hope to send them on their way to good blogs everywhere. Thank you again, you don't know how much I appreciate them!
Congratulations on all your awards, Corrine, and thank you so much for awarding me, as well! I love your blog, and I look forward to reading it all the time! :)
Wow, that's a lot of awards-but you totally deserve them all. And thank you so much for passing 2 onto me-ur so sweet. And congratulations to everyone else who had awards passed onto them as well.
Thank you! I love your blogs as well and am happy to pass on the awards. You deserve them too! :)
Thank you so much for the awards! :)
Thank you! (((hugs))) :-)
Thank you! I really appreciate them, and congrats on receiving them yourself.
Wow, thank you for the awards. I am flattered that you thought my blog was deserving. :)
Congrats on all of your awards, they are well deserved! Thanks for passing two of them on to me :)
Congrats on all your awards :)
Congrats on your awards :) and thank you SO much for passing one to me! :D
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