Jennifer Shaw Wolf is here today with the debut of her book trailer for her soon to be released book, Breaking Beautiful, courtesy of the Teen Book Scene. Thank you for being here today, Jennifer! You can follow along with the blog tour here, or by clicking through the banner. Enjoy!
About seventeen years ago I stood in front of some executives from Bonneville Communications to tell them why I was majoring in Broadcast Communications and why I deserved their scholarship money. My speech went something like this: "Being a broadcasting major is like finding out exactly what I want to do with my life, that I never knew I wanted." As confusing as that phrase might be, I won the scholarship. Then I got my degree in broadcasting, went on to be a stay-at-home mom and never worked (ha ha) a day in my life.
Even though I have never had a "real" job in broadcasting, video-production has been one of my hobbies, loves, and passions since my first year of college. In school, my emphasis was in production (behind the camera) as opposed to news (in front of the camera), but we were encouraged to try both sides. After spending a few months as a very pregnant student reporter I never wanted to go in front of the camera again. (I've been trying to work up the nerve to vlog, but still haven't gotten there yet.)
The part of video production that I love is editing the pieces together to create a story, from something as small as telling a couple's love story for a wedding video to a mini-documentary that followed a three day pioneer reenactment done by teens from my church.
What I've learned about visually telling a story has helped me a with writing (the the "what I wanted to do with my life that I've always known I wanted"). I visualize a scene over and over in my mind before and as I write it, and once it's written I look for the "heart" of the shot (or line or paragraph or chapter) and trim away what doesn't work, just like I do when I edit videos.
Today I FINALLY get to debut the combination of my two loves, writing and video production. I've had the book trailer for BREAKING BEAUTIFUL in my mind since I first started writing the story. Right when I was ready to really get started on it, some personal things came up and I ended up having to scale back my original idea a lot, but I couldn't be happier with the result.
I had so much creating this trailer. I loved working with my "Allie," Brooklyn. She's one of my son's friends, an amazing teen actress (and singer) and just a really fun girl. I put her through a lot of to geth this finished; lying on a cold ledge, running in heels, and taking time out of her spring break vacation, but she was always willing to do it. I'm also grateful to North Thurston high school in Lacey, Washington and for letting me use the school locker area and to the Librarian, Steve Coker for helping me arrange that. And since we're doing the academy award thing; thanks to my amazing videographer-husband David and my son and other teen actors, David, Tristan (best creepy voice ever), Jennifer, Chelsie, Mellissa, Josh, Ben, and Jesse.
So with way ado that is probably necessary here is the trailer for BREAKING BEAUTIFUL.

Allie lost everything the night her boyfriend, Trip, died in a horrible car accident—including her memory of the event. As their small town mourns his death, Allie is afraid to remember because doing so means delving into what she’s kept hidden for so long: the horrible reality of their abusive relationship.
When the police reopen the investigation, it casts suspicion on Allie and her best friend, Blake, especially as their budding romance raises eyebrows around town. Allie knows she must tell the truth. Can she reach deep enough to remember that night so she can finally break free? Debut writer Jennifer Shaw Wolf takes readers on an emotional ride through the murky waters of love, shame, and, ultimately, forgiveness.
Synopsis taken from goodreads.
Giveaway Details
Jennifer Shaw Wolf has graciously offered up a copy of Breaking Beautiful for giveaway.
Thank you, Jennifer!
Giveaway is open to US only.
Giveaway will end April 24, 2012.
Please fill out this FORM to enter. Comments, while appreciated, won't be counted as entries.
Thank you!
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